3 Common Myths Around VoIP

VoIP has made a lot of news in the past while, a lot of it caused by BT announcing preparations for switching us all over to it in a few years. It seems that everyone has an opinion on VoIP. Some are for, some against. The postman has an opinion. So does the guy down … Continued

Switching Off Or Switching On?

You may have heard that BT is planning a big change for us all. The announcement that all traditional phone lines are going to be turned off in 2025 may panic some. But this article is here to tell you why it’s a good thing. Up until a few years ago, we used to think … Continued

Hybrid Working – Do You Have A Choice?

If you look up ‘Hybrid’ you’ll get quite a few definitions. It generally means a mixture of two different things. But it has come to mean a way of organising a workforce. ‘Hybrid’ working has become increasingly common, in fact almost prevalent. A quick search for the term comes back with 6.6 billion results, more … Continued

Calling All Call Centres

Amongst the chatter, the tapping of keys on keyboards, and the muted conversations muffled by headsets, you can probably hear a Manager quietly sobbing, if you listen hard enough. The problems of running Call Centres, or anywhere tasked with making contact with customers over the phone, are diverse. How do you control a team working … Continued

More Contact, More Contactable

Social pressures sometimes hit us like a wave, and then recede. Like fashions, slogans or celebrity marriages, they drift away from our collective conscious like the tide receding. But sometimes, these things hit like a tsunami, and are here to stay. Some things hit us with such force they become permanent fixtures in our society. … Continued

VDSL2 FTTC and the Home Office – A How To Guide

With so many of us now classified as home workers or SOHO workers, the balance of remote workers to standard office workers seems to be shifting irrevocably. In fact, it seems like the shift is going to be permanent, with many UK firms closing their physical offices altogether. According to some sources, landlords are predicting … Continued

National Awards Finalists

There are two main national bodies which SureVoIP rates highly, and who’s work influences our decisions and our view of our industry. These are Comms Council and ISPA (the Internet Service Providers’ Association). Comms Council Awards Comms Council (formerly ITSPA) is a national overseeing body governing the VoIP industry in the UK. As an organisation … Continued