Coping with Communicating Post-Pandemic

From our attitudes to hygiene, to personal space, the global pandemic changed everything. Social gatherings took on a slightly worrying turn, and were replaced by social media. Shaking hands was replaced by elbow bumps. Face to face by virtual meetings. We were all one sneeze away from being socially ostracised. British culture has pulled up … Continued

VoIP – Should I Be Worried…?

So – you’re a Department Manager, and you’re boss has just tasked you with transferring the whole company over to using VoIP. Should you be worried, and if so, about what? Firstly, moving to VoIP is a positive move for your company, so don’t worry too much. It comes with a number of advantages, such … Continued

Technology – The Unsung Hero During the Pandemic

As we move cautiously into a post-pandemic world, reviewing the past events is only natural. It may be hard to see at first, but there are many positive points floating around in the gloom of the last couple of years. Neighbourhoods started to pull together in a way they hadn’t before, the general public adjusted … Continued

Hybrid Working – Do You Have A Choice?

If you look up ‘Hybrid’ you’ll get quite a few definitions. It generally means a mixture of two different things. But it has come to mean a way of organising a workforce. ‘Hybrid’ working has become increasingly common, in fact almost prevalent. A quick search for the term comes back with 6.6 billion results, more … Continued

More Contact, More Contactable

Social pressures sometimes hit us like a wave, and then recede. Like fashions, slogans or celebrity marriages, they drift away from our collective conscious like the tide receding. But sometimes, these things hit like a tsunami, and are here to stay. Some things hit us with such force they become permanent fixtures in our society. … Continued

Know anyone 6 weeks in that still can’t transfer calls?

Today I had to call a supplier regarding an invoice and surprisingly I was told that they couldn’t transfer my call due to working from home during the lockdown. A telecom supplier! This got me thinking that there must be others like this that are just forwarding calls to their mobile and missing out on … Continued

Getting To Know The Phone On Your Desk

It’s fair to say that we are all experiencing very changed days. Many, if not most of us, are now working from home, away from the office environment we’ve become used to. Rather than having our desks, phones and computers as we normally have, monitors are now sitting on stacks of books and desk phones … Continued

Empty SureVoIP Office

Our physical office is now closed as the whole team works from home, just in time for last nights three week lockdown announcement. Business As Usual (almost) For us, it’s almost business as usual. We’ve been adjusting to not being able to discuss things over our desks and leaning more on the different tool sets … Continued