SureVoIP Portal Update: 2FA and Team Management

Dear all, You can now enable Two Factor Authentication at Settings -> Security and add additional users with different permissions at Settings -> Team Enabling 2FA protects your login with more than just a password and is a highly recommended security feature. Adding new users allows you to create a “Billing” user that can only … Continued

2021 and the SureVoIP app

Hi all, I thought I’d do the popular “look back” post, but we all know how the year has gone so I’ll just say I hope you have a fantastic break as far as possible. I personally am really looking forward to some time off next week. Oh go on then, I might as well … Continued

Firefox and Chrome Browser Extensions

A long overdue update has been made for our Click-To-Call and SMS (text messaging) Firefox and Chrome Browser Extensions. Grab one now! Here’s a preview: Firefox Browser Extension – Chrome Browser Extension – What’s next? Inbound SMS of course! This work was completed today and is now live in our production API. Replying … Continued

SureVoIP Meet – Free video conferences

To help home workers during the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve made a branded version of the fantastic open source project Jitsi Meet live. We’ve simply called it SureVoIP Meet. It’s free for video calls and includes screen sharing and chat. You can sit on it all day and password protect your conference call too. Later in … Continued