The App Economy and APIs

Thought I’d share this video from apigee which really sums up why any company that is web faced or internet based should have an API. If they don’t they won’t last very long. P.S. We’re not affiliated with apigee, but do use their free console

<a href="/blog/2012/04/10/facebook-instagram-and-microsoft-some-big-numbers-and-scary-implications-for-mobile-voip-and-web-future">Facebook, Instagram and Microsoft. Some big numbers and scary implications for mobile, VoIP and web future!</a>

Those of you on Twitter would have seen the news first, but in case you didn’t: Facebook buys Instagram photo sharing network for $1bn Why Microsoft spent $1 billion on AOL’s patents    The first one is cool and shows you how the social media sector can pay for itself when an app is released … Continued

SureVoIP Launches Innovative API

Aberdeen-based communications company SureVoIP has just launched an innovative API (application programming interface) which will provide an even better service for customers and partners and allow 100% self-service and interaction with the SureVoIP suite of products and services. To ensure communications with other products and services, the company has just launched what is believed to … Continued

We’ve doubled our inbound VoIP capacity

Business has been amazing here and 2012 is going to be fantastic. We’ve got some big PR coming out soon and some other technical announcements (API, mobile Apps). Our store is also being worked on to help streamline the signup process with better pricing on hardware too. Anyway, we’ve now doubled our VoIP capacity with … Continued