Know anyone 6 weeks in that still can’t transfer calls?

Today I had to call a supplier regarding an invoice and surprisingly I was told that they couldn’t transfer my call due to working from home during the lockdown. A telecom supplier! This got me thinking that there must be others like this that are just forwarding calls to their mobile and missing out on … Continued

Make Working From Home Work for You

As the UK settles in to a nation-wide lockdown, now is a good time to take stock of your situation. The first fortnight is almost past, and we all have a better idea of what current events mean to us, and how we will personally get through. One thing comes across, we are all determined … Continued

Empty SureVoIP Office

Our physical office is now closed as the whole team works from home, just in time for last nights three week lockdown announcement. Business As Usual (almost) For us, it’s almost business as usual. We’ve been adjusting to not being able to discuss things over our desks and leaning more on the different tool sets … Continued