2021 and the SureVoIP app

Hi all, I thought I’d do the popular “look back” post, but we all know how the year has gone so I’ll just say I hope you have a fantastic break as far as possible. I personally am really looking forward to some time off next week. Oh go on then, I might as well … Continued

Firefox and Chrome Browser Extensions

A long overdue update has been made for our Click-To-Call and SMS (text messaging) Firefox and Chrome Browser Extensions. Grab one now! Here’s a preview: Firefox Browser Extension – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/surevoip/ Chrome Browser Extension – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/surevoip/jojflbfafjngcipbjimokekpfpapfmcf What’s next? Inbound SMS of course! This work was completed today and is now live in our production API. Replying … Continued