2021 and the SureVoIP app

Hi all, I thought I’d do the popular “look back” post, but we all know how the year has gone so I’ll just say I hope you have a fantastic break as far as possible. I personally am really looking forward to some time off next week. Oh go on then, I might as well … Continued

Firefox and Chrome Browser Extensions

A long overdue update has been made for our Click-To-Call and SMS (text messaging) Firefox and Chrome Browser Extensions. Grab one now! Here’s a preview: Firefox Browser Extension – https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/surevoip/ Chrome Browser Extension – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/surevoip/jojflbfafjngcipbjimokekpfpapfmcf What’s next? Inbound SMS of course! This work was completed today and is now live in our production API. Replying … Continued

Help test the SureVoIP app

During the lockdown I’ve been keeping busy by building the new SureVoIP app. I’d like to get as much help as possible from our customers and Partners for testing. Those of you that are connected with me on LinkedIn will have seen the first glimpse two weeks ago and another glimpse of the bigger plan. … Continued

CRM Integrations

As we look to integrate with different CRMs, we’d like to make sure that we start with what our customers use. Please could you spare 2 minutes to tell us: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NK9LBY9 This will then allow us to do things like: Sync your Contacts to your CRM Click to Call within your CRM Log Calls into … Continued