Help test the SureVoIP app

During the lockdown I’ve been keeping busy by building the new SureVoIP app. I’d like to get as much help as possible from our customers and Partners for testing. Those of you that are connected with me on LinkedIn will have seen the first glimpse two weeks ago and another glimpse of the bigger plan. … Continued

Finalist for “Best VoIP” at the ISPA Awards!

We’re a finalist for the ISPA Best VoIP category! ISPA Chair Andrew Glover, commented: “This year’s shortlisted ISPA Awards finalists demonstrate the high calibre and diversity of ISPs across the UK, who continue to drive growth and innovation across the internet industry. With broadband playing such an important role in keeping people connected during the … Continued

CRM Integrations

As we look to integrate with different CRMs, we’d like to make sure that we start with what our customers use. Please could you spare 2 minutes to tell us: This will then allow us to do things like: Sync your Contacts to your CRM Click to Call within your CRM Log Calls into … Continued

Invoice Payment Page Changes

Dear all, We’ve migrated to the newer version of our accountancy platform and that has brought a slight change to the look of a PDF invoice Pay Online button and the payment page where you enter your credit card details. We’ve had a few queries about this change, so we thought we’d put up some … Continued

Know anyone 6 weeks in that still can’t transfer calls?

Today I had to call a supplier regarding an invoice and surprisingly I was told that they couldn’t transfer my call due to working from home during the lockdown. A telecom supplier! This got me thinking that there must be others like this that are just forwarding calls to their mobile and missing out on … Continued

SureVoIP Instant Messaging Relaunch

We’ve relaunched and simplified our free instant messaging offering. Why? Easy, just another option for you and the fact that your messages will stay in the UK and traverse via a privately run UK network, plus all the integration options it will bring across our services for existing customers. A full list of chat apps … Continued

New 119 NHS COVID-19 Number

Ofcom has issued a request for the telephone number 119 to be made live as an integral part of the NHS’s COVID-19 response programme. The number will be a key part of the NHS’s effort to keep the country safe and handle the threat from Coronavirus. The 119 number is now live on our network … Continued

SureVoIP Meet – Free video conferences

To help home workers during the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve made a branded version of the fantastic open source project Jitsi Meet live. We’ve simply called it SureVoIP Meet. It’s free for video calls and includes screen sharing and chat. You can sit on it all day and password protect your conference call too. Later in … Continued

Empty SureVoIP Office

Our physical office is now closed as the whole team works from home, just in time for last nights three week lockdown announcement. Business As Usual (almost) For us, it’s almost business as usual. We’ve been adjusting to not being able to discuss things over our desks and leaning more on the different tool sets … Continued